How to Fall Asleep Fast With Insomnia

How to Fall Asleep Fast With Insomnia


  1. Start Here: What To Do To Fall Asleep Fast
  2. You’re Here: How to Fall Asleep Fast With Insomnia
  3. Up Next: How to Sleep Fast in 5 Minutes
  4. The Military Method for Falling Asleep Fast
  5. How to Fall Asleep Fast for Adults
  6. How to Fall Asleep Fast for Teenagers
  7. How to Fall Asleep Fast for Kids


You're not alone if you find yourself staring at the ceiling in the middle of the night, counting sheep, or struggling with countless thoughts racing through your mind. Tossing and turning, begging for sleep to take over, only to be met with the unforgiving grip of insomnia. It's the unwelcome night visitor that millions around the world are all too familiar with. You might be wondering how to fall asleep fast with insomnia. The good news is, we've got you covered.

Even though you feel drowsy and long for a peaceful slumber, it can feel nearly impossible to shut down for the night. Insomnia can be a cruel paradox, trapping you in a cycle of exhaustion and wakefulness. What's more, it's not a fleeting issue. Insomnia can last for days, weeks, or even longer, disrupting your quality of life.

If you're seeking a more comprehensive overview of quick sleep solutions, feel free to check out our main post, "What To Do To Fall Asleep Fast"

But for now, let's focus on overcoming insomnia and fast-tracking your way to dreamland.

Understanding Insomnia

Insomnia isn't just about struggling to fall asleep. It also encompasses issues such as waking up too early, waking up frequently throughout the night, and feeling unrefreshed upon waking. Many factors can cause or contribute to insomnia. 

  1. Stress
  2. Anxiety
  3. Depression
  4. Medical conditions
  5. Certain medications, and 
  6. Even bad sleep habits 

These can make a peaceful night's sleep seem like an unreachable dream. Not to mention lifestyle factors such as late-night screen usage, consuming caffeine late in the day, and irregular sleep schedules.

Revogreen SleepHere's where Revogreen Sleep comes into play. This 100% organic sleep aid, made from the power of mustard microgreens, aims to support normal sleep patterns. Its unique composition promotes deep sleep and REM sleep, allowing you to embrace the rejuvenating powers of a restful night. While the solution to insomnia often involves multiple approaches, supplementing with a sleep aid like Revogreen Sleep can be a part of your sleep-well strategy. Check out our shop for more info.

Please remember that while we're offering advice on improving sleep hygiene and introducing a potential supplement to help, it's always best to consult with a healthcare provider when struggling with chronic sleep issues such as insomnia.

Woman with insomnia

How to Get to Sleep When You Can't

There's nothing quite as frustrating as wanting to sleep but simply being unable to. If you've exhausted the typical mental and physical techniques, don't worry. There's a treasure trove of lesser-known methods that can be your ticket to slumberland.

How to Create a Sleep-Friendly Routine

A regular sleep schedule is critical for good sleep. Our bodies thrive on consistency. An erratic sleep schedule confuses your internal body clock, making it hard to fall asleep and wake up. Aim for a consistent bedtime, even on weekends, and a morning wake-up call that gives you sufficient sleep.

The 3-2-1 Method

Ever heard of the 3-2-1 method? It's a simple but effective routine. Avoid caffeine for at least 3 hours before bed, refrain from working or doing strenuous activities for at least 2 hours before bed, and stop using electronic devices 1 hour before you plan to sleep. This method can work wonders in preparing your body for restful sleep.

Blue Light Special

Speaking of electronic devices, the blue light emitted by screens can mess with your body's production of the sleep hormone, melatonin. Create a digital curfew, switching off all devices at least an hour before bed.

Sleep Environment

Additionally, pay attention to your sleep environment. Is your bedroom conducive to good sleep? The ideal sleep environment is dark, quiet, and cool. Consider investing in… 

  1. Blackout curtains
  2. Earplugs
  3. A fan
  4. Or a white noise machine 

And make sure your mattress, pillows, and bedding are comfortable and supportive.

How Do I Stop Overthinking at Night?

It's night. You're ready for sleep. But your mind isn't. If overthinking is stealing your sleep, you might be experiencing what some sleep experts call "Restless Mind Syndrome."

When you're in bed, rather than falling asleep, you're replaying the day's events, planning tomorrow, or perhaps worrying about something. This overthinking can make it incredibly hard to fall asleep.

Here are some techniques to help calm your mind:

  • Counting breaths: The age-old technique of counting sheep has a modern, more effective alternative - counting breaths. It helps you shift your focus from worrying thoughts to a single calming activity.
  • Visualizations: Picture a peaceful place or scenario, like a serene beach or a tranquil forest. Use all your senses - smell the sea, hear the waves, feel the sand under your feet. This can help distract your mind and relax your body.
  • Meditation: Mindfulness meditation can train your brain to focus on the present moment and reduce worrying thoughts. There are plenty of guided sleep meditations available online.
  • Paradoxical intention: This involves trying to stay awake rather than trying to sleep. It sounds counterintuitive, but it can take the pressure off falling asleep, reducing anxiety and making it easier to drift off.

Other helpful techniques include progressive muscle relaxation, deep breathing, and guided imagery.

In the fight against insomnia, know that you have more weapons in your arsenal than you might think. Explore these methods and see which works best for you. And remember, Revogreen Sleep is there to complement these techniques, helping you find that much-desired peaceful night's sleep.

I Want to Sleep but My Body Won't Let Me

Insomnia is often a tag-team effort from your mind and your body. Just as a restless mind can keep you awake, a tense body can too. Let's explore how to relax your body for sleep.

How Muscle Tension Can Prevent Sleep

Tight, tense muscles can be a significant barrier to falling asleep. Your body needs to relax fully for you to drift off. Stress and anxiety can cause your muscles to tense up, making it hard to fall asleep or stay asleep. Addressing this muscle tension can pave the way for a peaceful night's sleep.

Introduction to Progressive Muscle Relaxation

Progressive Muscle Relaxation (PMR) is a technique that can help you release that tension. PMR involves tensing and then relaxing each muscle group in your body, starting from your toes and working your way up to your head. By consciously tensing your muscles first, you make it easier to notice - and release - the tension when you relax.

Other Effective Physical Relaxation Techniques

Other relaxation techniques include deep breathing, Yoga Nidra, and even a warm bath before bed. Find what works best for you and incorporate it into your bedtime routine.

Impact of Sleeping Position on Sleep Quality

Correct sleep posture

Your sleeping position also plays a role in the quality of your sleep. Sleeping on your stomach can cause back and neck pain, while sleeping on your left side can cause heartburn. The optimal sleeping position is usually on your back with a pillow to support your natural spinal curve, or on your side with a pillow between your knees to maintain hip alignment.

The Science of Mustard Microgreens

Revogreen SleepNow, let's talk about an ally in your fight against insomnia: mustard microgreens. Strangely enough, these are the young shoots of the mustard plant, and they’ve been shown to have up to 240 times the nutrient density of an entire full-grown plant. This gives many microgreens amazing nutraceutical properties. They're the key ingredient in our Revogreen Sleep and pack a powerful sleep-promoting punch.

Mustard microgreens help promote sleep and improve its quality. They're rich in melatonin, magnesium, and glucosinolate a powerful anti-inflammatory. These encourage the production of sleep hormones. They're also packed with antioxidants that help reduce inflammation and stress, both of which can interfere with sleep. What's more, they've been shown to support deep sleep and REM sleep, both vital for feeling refreshed and alert the next day.

Try incorporating Revogreen Sleep into your routine. It's a 100% organic, safe, and effective way to improve your sleep.

Head over to our shop now and experience the benefits of Revogreen Sleep for yourself! Sleep is within your reach. Don't let insomnia rob you of it.

I Lay in Bed for Hours and Can't Sleep

We've all had those frustrating nights where sleep feels like an elusive goal. You're in bed, the lights are out, but sleep is not happening. Let's tackle this issue.

What to Do When You Can't Fall Asleep

It's a frustrating scenario – you've been in bed for hours, your eyes are closed, but you just can't fall asleep. Don't worry, there are ways to handle this situation.

My Eyes Are Closed But I Can’t Sleep

Rest assured, just because you're not asleep doesn't mean your body isn't resting. However, if sleeplessness persists, there are tactics you can employ.

How to Handle Situations When You're Not Feeling Tired

Sometimes, despite it being way past your bedtime, you may not feel tired. If this happens, try doing a relaxing activity outside of your bedroom, like reading a book or listening to calming music.

Should You Stay Awake?

You may wonder if you should stay awake if sleep isn’t coming. Generally, it's not recommended to lie in bed awake for more than 20 minutes. This brings us to the '20-minute rule' for sleep.

The 20-Minute Rule

The 20-minute rule for sleep suggests that if you can't sleep, get out of bed and do something relaxing until you feel sleepy. This technique, part of sleep restriction therapy, can help condition your body to associate your bed with sleep and not with wakefulness.

Sleep Restriction Therapy

For those suffering from insomnia, achieving a restful night's sleep can seem like a daunting task. Sleep Restriction Therapy (SRT) is a proven cognitive-behavioral technique that can help regulate your sleep pattern and improve sleep efficiency. Let's walk through the steps:

  1. Keep a Sleep Diary: Document your sleep patterns for one to two weeks to understand your sleep habits better.
  2. Calculate Sleep Efficiency: Determine the ratio of your total sleep time to time spent in bed to calculate your sleep efficiency.
  3. Establish a Sleep Window: Set a specific time frame for sleep based on your average total sleep time as observed in your sleep diary.
  4. Implement Sleep Window: Stick to your sleep window consistently, avoiding naps during the day, even if you feel sleep deprived initially.
  5. Adjust Sleep Window: Based on your sleep efficiency, gradually adjust your sleep window. If you're sleeping efficiently (90% or higher), extend the window. If efficiency drops below 80%, decrease it.
  6. Maintain Routine: Consistently follow this routine to regulate your body's internal clock and increase the drive to sleep.

Remember, always consult with a healthcare professional before embarking on Sleep Restriction Therapy to ensure it's right for your specific needs.

How to Fall Asleep Instantly

A woman who fell asleep instantly

The '4-7-8' breathing technique may help you fall asleep quickly. It involves inhaling for 4 seconds, holding the breath for 7 seconds, and exhaling for 8 seconds. This technique helps reduce anxiety and slow down the heart rate, making it easier to fall asleep.

Don't forget that our next post, "How to Sleep Fast in 5 Minutes", will dive deeper into rapid sleep techniques.

However, the most straightforward and effective solution to fall asleep faster is taking Revogreen Sleep.

Final Thoughts

Insomnia can be a challenging and frustrating condition, but there are many strategies you can employ to combat it. From relaxation techniques to effective sleep routines, there are ways to improve your sleep quality and duration.

Revogreen Sleep

Remember, Revogreen Sleep, with its potent mustard microgreens, can be your partner in your quest for a good night's sleep. Give it a try and experience the difference it can make.

Visit our shop now and start your journey towards restful sleep with Revogreen Sleep! Don't let insomnia control your nights. You can take control and finally achieve that deep, restful sleep you've been yearning for.

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.


  1. Start Here: What To Do To Fall Asleep Fast
  2. You’re Here: How to Fall Asleep Fast With Insomnia
  3. Up Next: How to Sleep Fast in 5 Minutes
  4. The Military Method for Falling Asleep Fast
  5. How to Fall Asleep Fast for Adults
  6. How to Fall Asleep Fast for Teenagers
  7. How to Fall Asleep Fast for Kids


Beata Lerman PhD: I am a biochemist and an Immunologist with a passion for improving health in the most effective ways possible. I have been in many roles over my 23-year biomedical research career from academic Research and Drug Development to industry consulting and Medical affairs. I strive to bring you the most evidence-based and reliable educational content to put you back in charge of your health. Find me on LinkedIn, and try some of my gourmet, sugar-free chocolates at Sinless Treats.

Droo Higgins: I’m an educational writer and strategist. I worked in the fields of public and corporate education as a content developer, trainer, and consultant for the past 12 years. I’m also an advocate for the health benefits of microgreens, as I’ve seen them work firsthand. Find me on LinkedIn.

Photo by ethan on Unsplash, and image by HelloDavidPradoPerucha on Freepik.

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