How to Fall Asleep Fast for Adults

How to Fall Asleep Fast for Adults


  1. Start Here: What To Do To Fall Asleep Fast
  2. How to Fall Asleep Fast With Insomnia
  3. How to Sleep Fast in 5 Minutes
  4. The Military Method for Falling Asleep Fast
  5. You’re Here: How to Fall Asleep Fast for Adults
  6. Up Next: How to Fall Asleep Fast for Teenagers
  7. How to Fall Asleep Fast for Kids


Sometimes, the biggest battle we face isn't during the daylight hours, but in the still of the night. For many adults, drifting into the gentle lull of sleep feels like an uphill climb. Are you one of those who lie wide awake, asking yourself, "Why can't I sleep at night, even when I'm tired?" You're far from alone in this nocturnal fight.

This post is part of a series, dissecting the enigma of sleep and arming you with tools to conquer it. For a broader view, check out our main post, "What To Do To Fall Asleep Fast". But in this piece, we're zeroing in on the specific challenges adults face when trying to fall asleep fast.

Combatting Insomnia: Practical Tips for Adults to Fall Asleep Fast

Insomniac woman looking at her phone at 3:00 a.m.

Insomnia, the relentless foe of sleep, afflicts countless adults around the world. Its effects stretch beyond the night, seeping into our daily routines and marring our well-being.

With insomnia, the line between day and night blurs. It's like living in a fog where everything feels distant and slightly unreal. Cognitive functions slow, energy drains and even the simplest tasks can feel like monumental challenges.

But, what if there was a different way? A way to quell the internal cacophony and invite tranquility back into your nights?

The unsettling sensation of "Can't Sleep Anxiety" can be mitigated. We're about to delve into practical, actionable techniques you can employ tonight for a speedier journey to the land of dreams. So, let's dive in and reclaim the peaceful nights you deserve.

The Impact of Stress and Anxiety on Sleep: Effective Relaxation Techniques for Adults

Stress and anxiety often lurk in the shadows of insomnia, locking us into a cycle of wakefulness when we crave nothing more than a peaceful slumber. While these worries are common, allowing them to consume our sleep can have serious impacts on our health and well-being.

Relaxation techniques can serve as powerful tools to wrestle control from the grip of stress and anxiety, paving the path for sleep. Mindful meditation, deep-breathing exercises, and progressive muscle relaxation can help quiet the mind and relax the body, fostering an environment conducive to sleep.

Revogreen Sleep

In addition to these techniques, we recommend Revogreen Sleep. Crafted with mustard microgreens, a 100% organic and natural plant-based supplement, blends together an array of sleep-supporting components. Revogreen Sleep aids in calming your mind and easing you into a restful night. Its natural ingredients work synergistically to reduce stress and promote relaxation, making it an ideal companion in your nightly routine. Learn more about Revogreen Sleep and find it in our online shop.

How Diet and Exercise Affect Sleep: Nutrition and Fitness Tips for Better Sleep

Just as what we do in the hours before bed affects our sleep, so too does our diet and level of physical activity throughout the day.

An optimal diet for sleep includes a balanced intake of proteins, complex carbohydrates, and healthy fats, paired with mindful consumption of caffeine and alcohol. Certain foods like almonds, turkey, chamomile tea, and kiwi have been shown to promote sleep due to their content of sleep-enhancing nutrients.

Similarly, regular physical activity can help you fall asleep faster and enjoy deeper sleep. It doesn't necessarily mean you have to run a marathon; even a brisk walk or a short yoga session can make a difference.

Sleep isn't just about the moments before we close our eyes, but the choices we make during our waking hours. By managing our stress, optimizing our diet, exercising regularly, and supplementing with Revogreen Sleep, we can create a strong foundation for faster, better sleep.

Bedtime Struggles: When You Lay in Bed for Hours and Can't Sleep

One of the more disheartening experiences for adults seeking sleep is the struggle of lying awake for hours on end. Despite being tired, sleep seems to play an elusive game, out of reach, and the clock's ticking only amplifies this frustration.

The 20-Minute Rule: Breaking the Cycle of Sleeplessness

If sleep evades you for more than 20 minutes, it may be more beneficial to get up and engage in a quiet, low-light activity, like reading a book. The aim is to break the association between your bed and wakefulness, re-establishing it as a place for sleep.

Cognitive Techniques for Bedtime Insomnia: Redirecting the Mind

Mind games such as counting backward from 300 by threes or picturing a serene scene can help to shift the focus away from the anxiety of not being able to sleep, thereby promoting relaxation and drowsiness.

Implementing Sleep Restriction Therapy: A Solution for Long Bedtime Hours

Sleep restriction therapy, an approach that limits the time spent in bed to the actual amount of time slept, can consolidate sleep and reduce the long, anxiety-filled hours in bed. This method should be practiced under the guidance of a healthcare provider.

Check out our post "How to Fall Asleep Fast With Insomnia", for more detail on sleep restriction therapy.

Rising Early: What to Do When You Can't Sleep and Have to Wake Up Early

Woman who does not want to get up early

Sleep disturbances can be particularly frustrating for those who have early morning responsibilities. However, there are a few strategies that can make rising early a little easier.

Understanding the Power of Napping: A Strategy for Early Risers

A brief nap, ideally 20-30 minutes, in the early afternoon can counteract the effects of a poor night's sleep, boosting alertness and mood. Be cautious, though, as napping too close to bedtime can interfere with nighttime sleep.

Morning Light and Exercise: Starting Your Day Right After a Sleepless Night

Exposure to natural light in the morning helps regulate your internal body clock. Coupled with a brisk walk or light workout, this can help promote alertness and improve your mood, setting a positive tone for the day.

Caffeine Use and Management: Finding the Balance for Early Mornings

A morning cup of coffee can help counteract the sluggishness from a poor night's sleep. However, it's essential to manage caffeine intake carefully, as it can interfere with sleep if consumed too late in the day.

While these strategies can help manage sleep disturbances, consistent issues with sleep may indicate a more serious problem. For ongoing sleep troubles, consider a comprehensive solution like Revogreen Sleep and consult with a healthcare provider.

The Science of Revogreen Sleep

Revogreen SleepNow, let's talk about an ally in your fight against insomnia: mustard microgreens and Revogreen Sleep. Strangely enough, mustard microgreens are the young shoots of the mustard plant, and they’ve been shown to have up to 240 times the nutrient density of an entire full-grown plant. This gives many microgreens amazing nutraceutical properties. They're the key ingredient in our Revogreen Sleep and pack a powerful sleep-promoting punch.

Mustard microgreens help promote sleep and improve its quality. They're rich in melatonin, magnesium, and glucosinolate a powerful anti-inflammatory. These encourage the production of sleep hormones. They're also packed with antioxidants that help reduce inflammation and stress, both of which can interfere with sleep. What's more, they've been shown to support deep sleep and REM sleep, both vital for feeling refreshed and alert the next day.

Try incorporating Revogreen Sleep into your routine. It's a 100% organic, safe, and effective way to improve your sleep.

Head over to our shop now and experience the benefits of Revogreen Sleep for yourself! Sleep is within your reach. Don't let insomnia rob you of it.

Midnight Wakefulness: What to Do If You Can't Sleep in the Middle of the Night

Waking up in the middle of the night can be frustrating and lead to fatigue the next day. However, there are ways to manage this common sleep disturbance.

Relaxation Techniques for Midnight Wakefulness: Managing Stress in the Wee Hours

If you wake up in the middle of the night and can't get back to sleep, try implementing relaxation techniques such as deep breathing, progressive muscle relaxation, or guided imagery. These methods can calm your mind and body, promoting a return to sleep.

Creating a Calming Midnight Routine: How to Return to Sleep

If you find yourself consistently awake during the wee hours, establish a calming midnight routine. This could involve reading a book, listening to soft music, or doing gentle stretches. The aim is to create a ritual that signals to your body that it's time to return to sleep.

The Dos and Don'ts When Waking Up at Night: Habits for Better Sleep

Do keep the lights dim and avoid looking at the clock. Don't use electronic devices or engage in stimulating activities. Remember, the goal is to promote relaxation and a return to sleep.

Recommended Sleep Durations and Bedtimes for Adults

A couple who got to bed on time

These are general recommendations and individual sleep needs can vary.

How much sleep does a 20-year-old need?

7-9 hours

What time should a 20-year-old go to bed?

10:00 - 11:00 PM

How much sleep does a 30-year-old need?

7-9 hours

What time should a 30-year-old go to bed?

10:00 - 11:00 PM

How much sleep does a 40-year-old need?

7-9 hours

What time should a 40-year-old go to bed?

10:00 - 11:00 PM

How much sleep does a 50-year-old need?

7-9 hours

What time should a 50-year-old go to bed?

10:00 - 11:00 PM

How much sleep does a 60-year-old need?

7-9 hours

What time should a 60-year-old go to bed?

10:00 - 11:00 PM

How much sleep does a 70+-year-old need?

7-8 hours

What time should a 70+-year-old go to bed?

9:00 - 10:00 PM

Some Final Thoughts

Revogreen Sleep

Achieving quality sleep as an adult can be challenging due to a myriad of factors like stress, diet, and insomnia. The techniques discussed in this article, from relaxation strategies to setting a consistent sleep schedule, can significantly improve your sleep.  

However, if sleep disturbances persist, it may be beneficial to introduce a sleep aid like Revogreen Sleep, which harnesses the power of natural ingredients to promote restful sleep. Consistent quality sleep is not a luxury, but a pillar of good health and well-being. Check out Revogreen Sleep in our online shop above.

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.


  1. Start Here: What To Do To Fall Asleep Fast
  2. How to Fall Asleep Fast With Insomnia
  3. How to Sleep Fast in 5 Minutes
  4. The Military Method for Falling Asleep Fast
  5. You’re Here: How to Fall Asleep Fast for Adults
  6. Up Next: How to Fall Asleep Fast for Teenagers
  7. How to Fall Asleep Fast for Kids


Beata Lerman PhD: I am a biochemist and an Immunologist with a passion for improving health in the most effective ways possible. I have been in many roles over my 23-year biomedical research career from academic Research and Drug Development to industry consulting and Medical affairs. I strive to bring you the most evidence-based and reliable educational content to put you back in charge of your health. Find me on LinkedIn, and try some of my gourmet, sugar-free chocolates at Sinless Treats.

Droo Higgins: I’m an educational writer and strategist. I worked in the fields of public and corporate education as a content developer, trainer, and consultant for the past 12 years. I’m also an advocate for the health benefits of microgreens, as I’ve seen them work firsthand. Find me on LinkedIn.

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